For more information on services offered online, please click on the individual item.
Astrology Charts
- Natal chart
- Financial progression
- Family Relationship progression
- Romantic progression
- Soul purpose chart
- General progression
Each chart is $20 for the chart with a printed interpretation or $65 for the chart with a printed interpretation plus Katrina Rasbold’s own notes in the margins. If you order three charts, you get to choose a fourth one free.
Card Readings
Katrina Rasbold is the author of Tarot For Real People and has read the Tarot for more than thirty-five years. She offers consultations for pathworking, spiritual insight, and personal revelation sent by pre-recorded video link.
Spiritual Cleansings
Katrina provides tradition limpia services, chakra clearing, and energy adjustments for $65 by remote via email.
Personal Spell Work
Katrina Rasbold offers magical services through candle work, honey pots, & intensive rituals. (price varies)
Candle Glass Reading
If you purchased a candle from us, the cost includes a reading of the glass after the burn completes. Email photos of your candle to and Katrina will email you back her interpretation of the burn. Katrina does not read candles before the burn is finished. If you purchased or made your own candle and want Katrina to read it, the cost is $5.