Our mojo bags are highly empowered and each one is personally blessed to its purpose. They contain herbs, oils, tokens, stones, charms, and other items to lend power to the intent of the bag. Mojo bags are dormant until we breathe life into it upon the sale. All prices include shipping. We have mojo bags for the following purposes:
Fertility Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Happiness and Joy Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Health & Healing Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Love and Passion Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Love and Kindness Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Prosperity & Money Drawing Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Protection Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Wisdom and Intuition Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Wish Come True Mojo Bag – $9.00 ea
Please note that the mojo bags in the image are representative of the mojo bag you will receive, however, the color may be different than pictured because when we create your personal mojo bag, we intuitively select the color that feels correct. for your circumstances. When you receive your mojo bag, the person for whom the mojo bag is intended should hold it in their cupped hands, focus intently on their goal, and then breath into the mojo bag so that it binds to them. After that, keep the mojo bag close to you: in a pocket, on your altar or nightstand, in your pillowcase, in your bra, etc. You may add other items to your mojo bag by untying it and putting small additions into the existing components, but do so in twos so that the mojo bag maintains an odd number of items in it.